We Consume Almost Two Worlds in One Year
Environment & Wastewater

We Consume Almost Two Worlds in One Year

According to the calculations, although we were able to use our resources until December 25 in 1971, the calculation for 2021 revealed the fact that we consumed the resources that our planet made available to us on July 30. In other words, we consumed the resources that the world could renew in a year in only 7 months and stole resources from our future in the remaining 5 months. Looking at how much the overshoot day has been moved backward in the past 50 years, we can estimate that we will use up all our one-year resources in just six months within the next 10 years.

Mine Of The Future: Wastewater
Environment & Wastewater

Mine Of The Future: Wastewater

Polat Makina centrifugal technologies continue to support you in all processes with the most suitable decanters in wastewater management, which is the master of sustainability projects that have increased their popularity recently. Let’s make the world a better place, together…

What is Your Water Footprint Color?
Environment & Wastewater

What is Your Water Footprint Color?

Considering the change in consumption habits and population since those years, it is safe to deduce that the global annual water footprint has increased considerably. Since it is obvious that international trade or the production of electronic goods cannot be stopped, it seems that there is not much that can be done to reduce our water footprint, but it is possible to reduce the global water footprint with the measures to be taken during the production phase and on an individual basis. Treatment technologies are at the forefront of the measures that can be taken during the production phase. By the use of purified water and sludge cake, obtained by dewatering the wastewater generated during the production phase, in different areas, sustainability can be achieved.

We Work for a More Viable World...
Environment & Wastewater

We Work for a More Viable World...

Briefly, the aim of dewatering and treatment is to recycle valuable raw materials in wastewater or production waste formed in municipalities and industrial implementation areas and to ensure the economic disposal of waste sludge without harming the environment.  For a more viable world, Polat Makina performs its duties and responsibilities all over the world in the best manner by making a significant contribution to the life cycle with its equipped technical staff and centrifugal technologies designed with environmental awareness and produced without compromising quality.

Nature’s Blue Energy: Biogas
Environment & Wastewater

Nature’s Blue Energy: Biogas

The use of Polat Makina centrifuge technologies in the anaerobic fermentation process gives the best result in biogas production due to its high performance/price ratio.